As I was passing by the kitchen desk the other day, an 8’5 x 11 sheet of paper fell on the floor. The title was “Affirmations to Stay Connected to Universal Energy”. It looked like something I copied from somewhere to post on the wall. Interestingly, the paper it was printed on was paper stock I used 30 years ago. We’ve lived in the house 30 years. Anyway, I asked my wife if this was posted somewhere and I didn’t see it. She said she didn’t recognize it! Hmmm….
Who knows where it’s been, but it’s interesting that it’s relevant now… and just after I’ve started a new practice to connect and consciously work with my team of guides. Hmmm…
See below.
Coincidentally, I have several recordings of the Evergreens (Silverthistle was one of them) on my phone, one of which is about connecting with your guides and inner self and it has come up in the playlist more times that I would expect over the last month. The other day I noticed that the player had been accidentally set to Random, as opposed to the “usual” order… It’s interesting that Random would repeat that recording so many times. Hmmm….
Hope you have a day full of wonder. Hmmm…
Seymour Lovejoy
Affirmations to Stay Connected To Universal Energy
I am increasing my awareness of energy.
I have a strong internal connection to my higher self.
My best decisions are made when I am connected to my inner wisdom.
Once I have made a decision, I follow through with appropriate action.
I take time to reflect on important decisions.
I trust that my process is taking me to a higher level of living.