Generally, we think of advancement or progress in terms of mankind. However, The Entirety (All That Is) is inseparable from mankind, and we know what ecology tells us, how the Earth is affected by the things we do. Technological progress may not be progress for the ecological whole.
So what is true progress? What makes things better all around? Not just inventions – invent-ing. Creative enhancement on all levels: physical, mental, emotional for the benefit of others and the Earth. Be inventive. Find new ways to enhance your life and the lives of others moment to moment. Look for beneficial options in the moment, then act.
Do you realize that demonstrating love or joy is an enhancement to All That Is? (And it’s free and available now!) When you feel loved or joyful it enhances your life, and others around you benefit from it. Pass it on.
Mental and emotional ecology advance physical ecology.
Light, Love & Joy,
Seymour Lovejoy