All posts by Seymour Lovejoy

Author, composer, musician, publisher, creator, catalyst, student of awareness.

One With God

One hears and reads about being “One With God” in reference to Liberation or Moksha, having reached the ultimate. However that’s using a dual phrase to connote a singularity.  Monism (“Mono” means single) is an alternate perspective to dualism.  Monism is, in essence, what the Sanskrit word “Advaita” , meaning “Not Two” connotes as well, though again, this word use duality to connote singularity. Both monism and dualism are traditional perspectives of All That Is. Each can be useful in its own dimension.

Let’s look at what it means to be “One With God”.  What does God feel like? Well… God can do everything, being Creator, and all…, so I’d think that would feel beyond fantastic — ecstatic, blissful if you will!  So if you were One with God, you’d be able to create and feel that way too.

Hmmm… can you create? Of course you can — not just “things” or inventions or art, you can create your life and your response to it, moment by moment.  Being “made in God’s image” means having God DNA, being able to do what God does, i.e. create and enhance the Universe.  So… everyone is “One with God”?  YES! But if you’re not feeling it, perhaps you haven’t been practicing it.

That’s what and this blog are for.  I like to call it a “School for Angels”. You have to learn the rules and the tricks of Creation, like using “Khamael” to express “I AM and I Can”, and so on.

But back to the title “One With God”.  It’s time for that phrase to evolve by adding another dimension. Use “One Within God” from now on. A Creator within a Creator.

Be an Angel :-),

Create and Enhance Life!

Seymour Lovejoy



As with lots of words and concepts, The Temple Teachers take a much wider definition of “sound” than our modern culture does.

Sound is all vibration a continuum of frequencies and, more than that, its basis is a repeating cycle: a beginning, an increase, a maximum, a decrease, and completion.

Then, in conjunction with sound, we have resonance and harmony, two or more things operating in concert, resulting in joint creation.

The Teachers have esoteric meanings for each sound and combinations of sounds.   This is the introduction to a series of studies on the sounds and how we can use them to create resonances to benefit ourselves, mankind, our Earth, and All That Is.

Light, Love & Joy,

-Seymour Lovejoy




Some time ago I saw the movie “All That Jazz” about the life of dancer/chorographer Bob Fossi, who, always before a show, would look in the mirror, do “jazz hands” and say, “Showtime!” to put himself in the right frame of mind to give his best performance.

Being a musician, I realized that just thinking “Showtime!” was a good practice for me so that I could “put my best foot forward”  for the audience’s enjoyment, but then I realized that this could also be a reminder to radiate joy wherever I was.  Maybe people will wonder why you’re smiling, but maybe you will move their consciousness to joy, if only for an instant, and because of your consciousness, there will be more love and joy in the collective consciousness.

Time to put on a great show in your life, don’t you think?

Seymour Lovejoy


Radiating Joy – Silent Laughing

Here’s a quick and quiet way to radiate joy as a blessing to all – laugh silently.  Laugh “in your head”.  Laugh with no reason at all as if something is hilarious.  And imagine that everyone is laughing with you.  You know what unconditional love is. This is unconditional joy. It’s a very powerful practice that can be done any time anywhere.

The inner mantra: Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!

Go through your day laughing silently and radiating joy.

It’s loads of fun.

Seymour Lovejoy







Your Super Powers – Haniel

Remember, the Archangels are actually powers within you, activated by invocation and intention, which assist you in creating your world, enhancing it and moving on to the next creation. These super powers allow you to create in multiple realms in this universe.

Again, the formula is:
The Archangel invokes the power of the law, working with the principle, to produce the attribute.
Haniel, pronounced HA-NEE-EL, invokes the power of the Law of Relinquishment, working with the principle of Purpose, producing Mastery.
Traditional Invocation: Haniel, Haniel, Haniel. Divine Relinquishment releases to me all my abundance and Mastery is mine.

Teacher Judith said, “Haniel’s name means abundance. When you are masters you live the abundant life. Is that not what you want? What other purpose?  … Mastery – that is what you are working toward, mastery  of yourself, of your lives, dominion over this gorgeous planet that you have been given to live on.

My favorite invocation for Haniel is: With Haniel I joyfully declare, “Affectionate detachment releases to me the abundance of my self-mastery.”

Discussion: This invocation format states the intention of the invocation prior to the invocation, and affirms an attitude of joy. Joy is a necessary component of the enthusiasm that is part of the fuel of creation. Here I’m declaring that I am already self-mastered and that affectionate detachment assists me in experiencing the fullness of abundance. I use “affectionate detachment” vs. non-attachment to emphasize the fact that you can release something yet still maintain a positive feeling toward it because, in fact, anything you are relinquishing has played a part in your spiritual development.

Suppose you went to Disneyland some time ago. It was fun at the time and now your good with it being a memory. You’re affectionately detached. When it’s time to move on, you can move on affectionately detached.

Another important role of relinquishment is the fact, that unless you let go of your limiting pre-conceptions, you will not be free to experience the unlimited.  Hence the Teachers advise us to examine our beliefs and their sources and to release the ones that limit us.

Other spiritual studies also emphasize the importance of relinquishment at the end of the creative process. Religious Science describes the  “Spiritual Mind Treatment” process as consisting of Recognition, Unification, Realization, Thanksgiving and Release. And Joseph of the Michael Reccia books emphasizes that we need to release the old to experience the new, and that not only is this fundamental to the creative process, the fact that humans tend to like to repeat things ties us down and keeps us from moving on to higher things.

Start experiencing your unlimited capacity.

Seymour Lovejoy


Your Super Powers – Michael

Remember, the Archangels are actually powers within you, activated by invocation and intention, which assist you in creating your world, enhancing it and moving on to the next creation.

These super powers allow you to create in multiple realms in this universe.

Again, the formula is:

The Archangel invokes the power of the law, working with the principle, to produce the attribute.

Michael, pronounced MICK-KAY-ELL, invokes the power of the Law of Dominance, working with the principle of Appropriation, producing Feeling and Desire.

Traditional Invocation: Michael, Michael, Michael. Through Divine Dominance, I appropriate and gratefully accept the joy, the wisdom, and the support of the Universe as my life flows to the “full-fillment” of my destiny.


We appropriate. We take from the world around us what we need and what we want. What is the Law of Dominance? Like the Law of Gravity, it’s an observed phenomenon which, for the most part, is “ubiquitous”. People dominate people. People dominate animals. People create ways to get what they want. By focusing on and getting to know what you want in detail, you develop an intimacy with it. You start to feel its nuances and start to merge with it emotionally and consciously. Your desire comes with feelings which you get to know and can reproduce. This facilitates the appropriation because you have learned to generate the conditions necessary for the manifestation of that which you wish to appropriate.

The Teachers emphasize that the best use of dominance is self-dominance, self control, self-enhancement for the benefit of others.

My favorite invocation for Michael is: With Michael I joyfully declare, “I appropriate what I want from the Universe.”

Discussion: This invocation format states the intention of the invocation prior to the invocation, and affirms an attitude of joy. Joy is a necessary component of the enthusiasm that is part of the fuel of creation. Here I’m declaring my built-in creative ability to plan and do what’s necessary to produce beneficial things and situations from the resources available on earth. What do I want from the Universe? From the perspective an angel, I want to enhance All That Is.

So, cultivate the soil, plant the seeds you want to grow, fertilize, provide sunlight, water and weed and what do you get? What a coincidence. We reap what we sow.

Seymour Lovejoy

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School for Angels

What is Earth?  For that matter, what is our “Universe”? It’s a class room.

As has already been stated, we have “The Creator’s” DNA and are creators ourselves. So why don’t most of us seem like angels or gods, for that matter? We’re just kids in kindergarten. We have to go to be trained to use our inherited capabilities.  Grade schools, high schools, colleges, universities and tech schools  teach other things, which are good, but they don’t necessarily know about or teach skills which harmonize with or bring out our divine (beneficial creator) potential. It’s as if you weren’t taught to talk.

That’s why there are specialty schools such as this, a school for angels, a Master’s program, if you will,  to help learn you take your consciousness where it hasn’t been before.

The  intention of Temple Teachers and the Temple Teachings is to make you aware of your divine potential so that you might begin to practice and get down to using your divine creative potential to enhance life, which is, in essence,  the divine intent or divine will.

Seymour Lovejoy


What do you take? What do you leave?

Comedian George Carlin had a wonderful routine about “stuff” that directly addressed the issue of what to take and what to leave, i.e. if you go on a vacation, what do you take with you? Then, if while there you get invited to stay the night somewhere, what subset of your stuff do you take with you? His delivery is hilarious.

But let’s ask the same question in several other contexts?

Suppose you’re a handyman, it’s Saturday morning and you have 3 appointments scheduled. Based upon the appointments you may take a general purpose toolbox, and perhaps several other tools to fit the specific needs of the appointments. And then your wife gives you a “honey-do” list for the day and tells you to remember your lunch… and “can you bring something back for dinner?” If you wish to keep your wife and your clients happy, it would behoove you to be organized and have all your “to-do’s” written down in an organized fashion, and take with you all the tools and paperwork required.

So let’s say you get your truck loaded, you check your list, open the garage door and drive away to the day’s adventure. What did you take, and what did you leave? 1) You took you consciousness and your capabilities, you took the things you needed for the day, and all your experience and beliefs, and all your expectations as to what will happen, what time you will return, and your feelings and sensations. 2) You left the world you call “home”, i.e. house, wife, family, dog, and related categories, and all your accumulation of stuff.

You’ve all heard the question: “Would there be a sound if a tree fell in the forest and no one (and no instrument) was there to hear it?” So here’s another question. Is “home” still in existence when you leave it, taking your consciousness to another environ? Whether or not your home continues to exist in perceived “physicality”, you expect that it persists and that, for the most part, it will not have changed when you return. And dependent on the forces of the moment, you’ll get what you expect.

But let’s look at this from another angle. How are you adding to and enhancing your experience, and the experience of others, and what are your “takeaways”? What do you take with you when you leave any environ? Your experiences and your conclusions (which are experiences too), i.e. what you learn. The book of Deuteronomy has a great suggestion, something to the effect of: “I have set before you Life and Death. Therefore choose Life.” So take those experiences that come to you, learn from them, be joyful, and move on to the next experience.

Seymour Lovejoy


Expanding Your Aura

Here’s a quick tip.

Your aura extends out from your body an amount that varies with your current mindset. It’s been said that Jesus walked on water by expanding his aura (and weight) across the entire surface of the water, so there was less downward force at his feet. I don’t really know about that, but according to the Teachers, you can expand your aura, expanding your energetic influence and awareness by using your imagination, or your “imager” as I like to call it. Imagine (put an image in of) your aura/force field expanding like a balloon as you blow out, as if you are in the center of the balloon, filling it from the inside. Now add to that the concept that it’s not air that you’re blowing out, but light, love and joy. And as your aura expands, everyone in its path of expansion benefits.

A great practice to add to any meditation. You can make it part of your morning alone time. What do you think?

Seymour Lovejoy


Blissings.Org: A Global Portal for Unconditional Love

Critical mass describes the point, like the boiling point of water, where, due to an increase of some kind, something fundamentally changes.

In order for the collective human consciousness to evolve in any direction, a significant percentage of people on earth must share a common viewpoint.

To that end, the website was created to provide a means for people to unite in consciousness and increase the amount of unconditional love in the world.

We’re familiar with the concept of a blessing. When we “bless” food, we take a moment to give thanks for what we have, and ask that the food be divinely enriched for our betterment. The Teachers say that our blessing and appreciating the food increases its value and makes it harmonize with us so that it’s better assimilated into our systems.

When we send blessings to others we are expressing our wish that good things happen to them. A “blissing”, however, is a very special type of blessing. It includes the intention that the recipient experience a moment of true bliss, the feeling of being loved and appreciated, and a moment of realization and enlightenment that leads them to express more love and appreciation to others. Surely we all need to feel loved and appreciated, and we would all benefit from certain people and organizations experiencing a moment of enlightenment that leads them to be more loving and compassionate.

When you visit the website, you enter the name of a person or organization to receive a blissing, click the “Send Blissing” button, a light flashes and the cumulative number of blissings sent to the recipient is shown, as well the top ten blissings recipients and their totals. If no recipient is specified, Mother Earth is the default.

The beauty of the website is that, regardless of its simplicity, it is a global portal through which unconditional love is expressed, is demonstrated and grows. As more people use it over and over, humanity approaches that critical mass where love, peace and joy become the status quo.

Now that’s what I call evolution. What do you think?

Seymour Lovejoy
