Tag Archives: Creative Power

Your Super Powers – Gabriel

As you read in Your Super Powers – Khamael, the Archangels are actually powers within you, activated by invocation and intention, which assist you in creating your world, enhancing it and moving on to the next creation.

These super powers allow you to create in multiple realms in this universe.

Again, the formula is:

The Archangel invokes the power of the law, working with the principle, to produce the attribute.

Gabriel, pronounced GAH-BREE-EL, invokes the power of the Law of I Will, working with the principle of Radiant Energy and Truth, producing Eternality.

Traditional Invocation: Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel. I Will Divine Will.

Discussion: Remember, any statement using the word “I” refers to “The Creator”, the awarer within, not that personality that you were taught was “you”. With this invocation you are declaring your resonance with all power. It’s in your spiritual DNA, i.e. characteristics inherited from our Creator. As Jesus said, “My Father and I are one.”

So what is Divine Will? It’s very simple. According to The Teachers, the Divine wants and wills the enhancement of all creation. In the same way parents want their children to be well, happy, creative, self-sufficient and to exceed their own accomplishments, the “The Creator” wants all creation to enhance itself. Part of our spiritual DNA, is the ability to “self-modulate”, as The Teachers called it, the ability to change ourselves, to add to what we are, to evolve humanity through our choice of attitude and our creative and loving actions. Be all you can be and more, with enthusiasm and joy. So when you say “I Will Divine Will”, you are willing the enhancement of all creation, thinking and acting on a global level, so to speak.

My favorite invocation for Gabriel is: With Gabriel I joyfully declare, “I will what I want.” Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel.

Discussion: As with the invocation for Khamael, this format states the intention of the invocation prior to the invocation and affirms an attitude of joy. Joy is a necessary component of the enthusiasm that is part of the fuel of creation. I already talked about “I will” and taking the Divine perspective. Here I use the “want’ as an affirmation of being in a place of power, not of lack. The Teachers talk about the evolution process as going through a series of phases at each evolutionary level, and that we go through a consciousness of need on the way to manifesting our wants.

Ready to take the reins and say “Giddyup”?

Seymour Lovejoy

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