Tag Archives: enhance

Maybe it IS Rocket Science?

My nephew, in his 30’s, is an aeronautical engineer working for Boeing. He studied rocket science, so on one of his holiday time visits I took advantage of all his studies and analysis of life thus far and asked him what he thought the nature of ALL THIS was.

“The best I’ve heard so far”, he said, “is that it’s a hologram.”

I was very pleased.  “The best I’ve heard so far” indicates his clarity on the fact that the nature of “WHAT IS” can, at best, be somewhat described with a model… Like the old parable of the 5 blind men describing an elephant based upon touching one part of it: a big leaf, a rope, a tree trunk.  Each only sees part of the whole.

The hologram model fits well with my studies as well. We’re each creating and sharing a community holo-deck, as it were, moment by moment, as in the Original Star Trek episode where their greatest desires and fears became manifest and confronted them, “Instant Karma”, if you will.  We’re projecting our expectations and beliefs into what appears to be a magnificent multi-dimensional array of pixels, evoking images and feelings and ideas which all feed back into the transmitter and come out as the next moment, mostly the same, but with changes indicating progression, cycles of growth and decay.

So the future is the flowering of the seed of the present, and we create the seed, right now. That makes us very powerful. But at the same time, wise choices will benefit you and the universe, and unwise choices will not. Choice is significant. Plan for enhancement. Enhance each moment with joy. Enhance your surroundings.  Appreciate everyone and everything. Enhance life.

Seymour Lovejoy


Enhance Life Right Now

Every moment provides the opportunity for appreciation and enhancement, and appreciation enhances any moment.

The Temple Teachers tell us that the purpose of each one of us is to enhance our individual lives, thereby enhancing humanity as a whole.

How can you enhance your life right where you are, here and now? It’s as easy as a smile and a thought.  Think of someone you love and appreciate, and then feel that appreciation for a moment.  Did you feel good? Did you just enhance your life? Did you just add more love to the world? Yes you did!

Imagine what the world would be like if everyone consciously chose to spend time expressing love and appreciation on a regular basis.

How would that change life on the planet?

Seymour Lovejoy

Seymour Lovejoy