For a moment, think of yourself as a television set. You have capacity for many channels and have no preference for any particular channel or program. You simply do your job and show whatever is sent to your screen. You are not attached. You are content to be of service. The story does not affect you emotionally, but unlike a regular TV set, you can learn from the information presented. You are truly dispassionate and objective.
Now, consider a video game on this television set. Let your awareness switch and now you are the controller of the video game, you are the driver of a very sophisticated robot aware of its environment. It can do anything a human can do and even morph itself to be and act like an ant. You have complete control of this robot and can generate an environment that persists around it. The purpose of this robot is to improve the story, to add value, your purpose is to lead the robot through experiences that benefit what is, in some way.
This robot manifests in multiple dimensions simultaneously. It has awareness of a physical environment where things appear to manifest slowly and dissolve slowly, and awareness of a less solid environment where things change immediately according to one’s intention and imagination, and dissolve when no longer needed.
Our challenge now is to use our imaginations to create a universe we would want to live in by describing it. We’ll describe it by declaring our divine attributes. Start with awareness and potential.
Draw in creative energy with your in-breath and create awareness and potential by exhaling and invoking Khamael (KHA-MAY-EL 3 times), “I am disciplined forcefulness of the Absolute. And so it is.” This is now an aspect of our universe: You are aware and create anything.
Now draw in creative energy with your in-breath and create intentional control by exhaling and invoking Gabriel (GAH-BREE-EL 3 times), “I will Divine will. And so it is.” This is now a second aspect of our universe: Creations conform to Divine purpose, that is, to benefit the whole.
Now draw in creative energy with your in-breath and create love and compassion everywhere by invoking Tzadkiel (TZAD-KEE-EL 3 times), “Mercy, Love and Compassion are infinitely reproduced. And so it is.” This is now a third aspect of our universe: Every thought and action is loving.
Now let’s take this skeleton of a universe and make it available for all to experience and build from.
Would you like to live in a wonderful world? Play the video game and enhance your inner world and the outer world.