Worry is a fearful focus on an idea or situation. The other day, someone was wondering whether we should be worried about the Fukushima disaster damaging our fish food chain.
The Teachers would say “No, unless you want to attract the problem”. If you are worried, you are telling your subconscious mind that you need the experience to teach you not to worry.
Your purpose is to become a master. A master does not worry because he/she knows that they are divine, existence is eternal, and we can create the world we want by focusing on what we want, versus what we don’t want.
Since you are a creator, what you think is what you get moment by moment. The Teachers suggest saying “I deny that thought life” when you happen to accidentally use the law of “I am” by thinking of an unwanted condition, whether you use the words “I am” or not.
Even Jesus said, “It’s not what goes into one’s mouth that defiles a man, but what comes out of his mouth”.
The Evergreens suggest that if you fear something, go through the entire experience in detail in your mind with all of the emotions, and envision yourself approaching it and dealing with it as a master would. You can then learn from a lucid “daydream” rather than having to learn from an experience physically created by belief and worry. Envision the alternative successful mastery experience.
Seymour Lovejoy