Category Archives: Tools for Evolution


As I was passing by the kitchen desk the other day, an 8’5 x 11 sheet of paper fell on the floor. The title was “Affirmations to Stay Connected to Universal Energy”. It looked like something I copied from somewhere to post on the wall. Interestingly, the paper it was printed on was paper stock I used 30 years ago. We’ve lived in the house 30 years. Anyway, I asked my wife if this was posted somewhere and I didn’t see it.  She said she didn’t recognize it! Hmmm….

Who knows where it’s been, but it’s interesting that it’s relevant now… and just after I’ve started a new practice to connect and consciously work with my team of guides.  Hmmm…

See below.

Coincidentally, I have several recordings of the Evergreens (Silverthistle was one of them) on my phone, one of which is about connecting with your guides and inner self and it has come up in the playlist more times that I would expect over the last month. The other day I noticed that the player had been accidentally set to Random, as opposed to the “usual” order… It’s interesting that Random would repeat that recording so many times.  Hmmm….

Hope you have a day full of wonder. Hmmm…

Seymour Lovejoy


Affirmations to Stay Connected To Universal Energy

I am increasing my awareness of energy.
I have a strong internal connection to my higher self.
My best decisions are made when I am connected to my inner wisdom.
Once I have made a decision, I follow through with appropriate action.
I take time to reflect on important decisions.
I trust that my process is taking me to a higher level of living.


Enhancement is Advancement

Generally, we think of advancement or progress in terms of mankind. However, The Entirety (All That Is) is inseparable from mankind, and we know what ecology tells us, how the Earth is affected by the things we do. Technological progress may not be progress for the ecological whole.

So what is true progress? What makes things better all around? Not just inventions – invent-ing. Creative enhancement on all levels: physical, mental, emotional for the benefit of others and the Earth. Be inventive. Find new ways to enhance your life and the lives of others moment to moment. Look for beneficial options in the moment, then act.

Do you realize that demonstrating love or joy is an enhancement to All That Is? (And it’s free and available now!) When you feel loved or joyful it enhances your life, and others around you benefit from it. Pass it on.

Mental and emotional ecology advance physical ecology.

Light, Love & Joy,

Seymour Lovejoy


Benefit the World Right Now

How can I benefit the world, you may ask? (Go ahead… ask!)

What IS “the world”?

Good question.

The world is our environment… where we live, but more than the physical planet we call Earth.

The world includes all living things, and all dead things, all elements, everything we can see, hear, touch, taste, and smell, our thoughts and mental environment and, for that matter, things we can’t sense and the source of all potential.

So that being the case, everything we say and do and think affects this larger “environment”. There’s a common saying that reflects this concept: that a single butterfly flapping its wings in Africa affects the entire world.

So, with this perspective of “the world”, any loving thought or deed, benefits the world.

So, wherever you are, at any time, you can do something or even think something that benefits the world, whether you’re alone in a room, in front of a computer, or in a crowd, or out in nature.

And, of course, the more “Minutes of Focus” you put into benefitting the world, the better you get at it and the more benefit there is, and the more people involved in the same thing increases its effectiveness.

Do you see the power you have? A good thing to use wisely, right?

Seymour Lovejoy


Live Efficiently: Train Your Subconscious

Your subconscious can be your friend or your foe. It’s simple: If you are “at odds with yourself”, it will slow you down. If your subconscious is in tune with your goals, you’ll get to them faster. Conclusion: program your subconscious so that your subconscious assists you on your path.

Your subconscious is your programming, the images of your physical and mental experience up to this point plus the feelings accompanying them. What’s gone in has already gone in, but how you respond to it and the significance you give it can change. You can reprogram your operating system: You version 2.0.

So you have two simultaneous programming activities: adding new features and fixing old bugs. The highest priority bugs to fix are the ones that slow you down the most. Some of those are fear, believing you’re all alone, and believing you can’t do something, or believing that something is impossible.

 Fix the bugs-

Perhaps my favorite response to someone believing something to be impossible is: “How about existence itself?” If you can believe that we and other things exist, which is a pretty strange and fantastic all-pervasive phenomenon, if you ask me, how can you rule out the possibility anything else? As creative beings we surpass our previous assumed limits daily. Once you’ve accepted that anything is possible, you can start to expect and look for open doors and guidance in tune with your goals.

Spending time and consciousness on fear is inefficient with respect to achieving goals, because it focuses on what you don’t want, versus what you do want. What you think is what you get. Karma is designed to help us learn to make choices that benefit ourselves and others. Focusing on something draws it to you, so if you focus on what you don’t want, it gets created so that you can learn to release that fear and learn to not put your attention there again. Put your focus on beneficial things, things that enhance life.

So you think you’re alone? You’re just missing a letter and a space: “all one”. If you invite your guides to participate in enhancing your life and the lives of others, and listen to the thoughts that pop in and watch the happenings around you’ll see clear evidence that there’s more going on behind the scenes on your behalf than you previously realized, and you’ll laugh at how you thought you were alone.

Adding new features

Now that you have a team to assist, make it easy on yourself and the team. If you believe you have to do “a”, “b” and “c” before you get to “d”, you might be overlooking a simpler, “fast track” solution that may be presented to you as your day unwinds. (Watch for it!) However, at a minimum you will have to have the mindset and the skills that “d” requires. You can’t plant an apple seed and expect an orange to sprout, though if you give someone an apple, they might give you an orange. If you want to win a vocal contest like “The Voice”, you have to be able to sing well and be “likeable”, do what it takes to audition, and exceed peoples’ expectations. As you see, though, there’s always personal work, focus time, getting ready to qualify, developing skill, confidence and personal traits that people can resonate with.

So think about it. How can you apply this to you?

Seymour Lovejoy



Where’s your focus?

Based upon what we’ve individually achieved, it seems rather apparent that in order to accomplish anything, a certain amount of focus is required, i.e. time focused upon an activity, cycles of repetition, learning, training the subconscious in the direction of our goal, getting to the point of adeptness where your subconscious takes care of the details and, humorously, not as much conscious focus is required! Like walking.

However as my Tai Chi Teacher, David Cheng, said, “Whenever you do anything, do it with consciousness”. He gave the example, “When you’re driving, just drive.” as opposed to listening to the radio, talking or thinking about something else. Doing things with consciousness is being “the watcher”, watching yourself do what you’re doing, and watching the thoughts that pop in, recognizing thoughts that are guidance, and using that guidance to enhance your activities.

OK, so we have this faculty of awareness that we can focus to accomplish things. What do you want to focus on? What do you want? … As opposed to need. Need is another topic.

If we’re talking about what you want, we’re talking about a value system. What do you value? What is most important and what is less important. Your whole life rotates about what you give importance, and the beauty is that it’s configurable. If we give “spirituality” a high value, then “Divine Will” and being of service to All That Is become a focus. The Teachers say that Divine Will is, simply, that All That Is be enhanced. So as instruments of Divine Will, creative delegates, our job is to enhance our lives and the lives of others, thus enhancing All That Is. It’s doable by anyone and everyone in the moment, and on the big stage we call life.  In fact, if all you do is appreciate and be kind to others, and appreciate life and all it has to offer, you will have added great value to the world.

A values system is the DNA of your life. I suggest that the most efficient and beneficial primary value for one’s lifetime is to enhance life itself — your life and the lives of others, from individual atoms and cells to the whole and beyond. This benefits you and the world. Let that be your primary mission and the primary criterion for your choices and actions. Then create and do things within that structure.

But for efficiency’s sake, take the shortest path to your goals. The Taoists say “Do by not doing”, i.e. use the minimum effort necessary to accomplish the task, or, at an esoteric level, create the environment where it manifests itself. The Evergreens talk about “protocol”, i.e. the necessary steps to accomplish something, and advise us to create a path minimizing those steps, by not assuming you have to go through a, b, and c to get to d, and by not imposing an expectation of difficulty in any of those steps. If you connect with your guides and trust in your moment-to-moment intuitive guidance, you can ride first class on a luxury jet from a to d rather than walk barefoot through the desert. The right doors will open at the right time and you’ll know to walk through. Similarly, the Hindu concept of Advaita Vedanta suggests that by putting your consciousness at the goal, you will be there. All good advice. Take the luxury jet. Be joyful and watch and listen. Make sense?

Seymour Lovejoy


One With God

One hears and reads about being “One With God” in reference to Liberation or Moksha, having reached the ultimate. However that’s using a dual phrase to connote a singularity.  Monism (“Mono” means single) is an alternate perspective to dualism.  Monism is, in essence, what the Sanskrit word “Advaita” , meaning “Not Two” connotes as well, though again, this word use duality to connote singularity. Both monism and dualism are traditional perspectives of All That Is. Each can be useful in its own dimension.

Let’s look at what it means to be “One With God”.  What does God feel like? Well… God can do everything, being Creator, and all…, so I’d think that would feel beyond fantastic — ecstatic, blissful if you will!  So if you were One with God, you’d be able to create and feel that way too.

Hmmm… can you create? Of course you can — not just “things” or inventions or art, you can create your life and your response to it, moment by moment.  Being “made in God’s image” means having God DNA, being able to do what God does, i.e. create and enhance the Universe.  So… everyone is “One with God”?  YES! But if you’re not feeling it, perhaps you haven’t been practicing it.

That’s what and this blog are for.  I like to call it a “School for Angels”. You have to learn the rules and the tricks of Creation, like using “Khamael” to express “I AM and I Can”, and so on.

But back to the title “One With God”.  It’s time for that phrase to evolve by adding another dimension. Use “One Within God” from now on. A Creator within a Creator.

Be an Angel :-),

Create and Enhance Life!

Seymour Lovejoy



As with lots of words and concepts, The Temple Teachers take a much wider definition of “sound” than our modern culture does.

Sound is all vibration a continuum of frequencies and, more than that, its basis is a repeating cycle: a beginning, an increase, a maximum, a decrease, and completion.

Then, in conjunction with sound, we have resonance and harmony, two or more things operating in concert, resulting in joint creation.

The Teachers have esoteric meanings for each sound and combinations of sounds.   This is the introduction to a series of studies on the sounds and how we can use them to create resonances to benefit ourselves, mankind, our Earth, and All That Is.

Light, Love & Joy,

-Seymour Lovejoy




Some time ago I saw the movie “All That Jazz” about the life of dancer/chorographer Bob Fossi, who, always before a show, would look in the mirror, do “jazz hands” and say, “Showtime!” to put himself in the right frame of mind to give his best performance.

Being a musician, I realized that just thinking “Showtime!” was a good practice for me so that I could “put my best foot forward”  for the audience’s enjoyment, but then I realized that this could also be a reminder to radiate joy wherever I was.  Maybe people will wonder why you’re smiling, but maybe you will move their consciousness to joy, if only for an instant, and because of your consciousness, there will be more love and joy in the collective consciousness.

Time to put on a great show in your life, don’t you think?

Seymour Lovejoy


Expanding Your Aura

Here’s a quick tip.

Your aura extends out from your body an amount that varies with your current mindset. It’s been said that Jesus walked on water by expanding his aura (and weight) across the entire surface of the water, so there was less downward force at his feet. I don’t really know about that, but according to the Teachers, you can expand your aura, expanding your energetic influence and awareness by using your imagination, or your “imager” as I like to call it. Imagine (put an image in of) your aura/force field expanding like a balloon as you blow out, as if you are in the center of the balloon, filling it from the inside. Now add to that the concept that it’s not air that you’re blowing out, but light, love and joy. And as your aura expands, everyone in its path of expansion benefits.

A great practice to add to any meditation. You can make it part of your morning alone time. What do you think?

Seymour Lovejoy


Blissings.Org: A Global Portal for Unconditional Love

Critical mass describes the point, like the boiling point of water, where, due to an increase of some kind, something fundamentally changes.

In order for the collective human consciousness to evolve in any direction, a significant percentage of people on earth must share a common viewpoint.

To that end, the website was created to provide a means for people to unite in consciousness and increase the amount of unconditional love in the world.

We’re familiar with the concept of a blessing. When we “bless” food, we take a moment to give thanks for what we have, and ask that the food be divinely enriched for our betterment. The Teachers say that our blessing and appreciating the food increases its value and makes it harmonize with us so that it’s better assimilated into our systems.

When we send blessings to others we are expressing our wish that good things happen to them. A “blissing”, however, is a very special type of blessing. It includes the intention that the recipient experience a moment of true bliss, the feeling of being loved and appreciated, and a moment of realization and enlightenment that leads them to express more love and appreciation to others. Surely we all need to feel loved and appreciated, and we would all benefit from certain people and organizations experiencing a moment of enlightenment that leads them to be more loving and compassionate.

When you visit the website, you enter the name of a person or organization to receive a blissing, click the “Send Blissing” button, a light flashes and the cumulative number of blissings sent to the recipient is shown, as well the top ten blissings recipients and their totals. If no recipient is specified, Mother Earth is the default.

The beauty of the website is that, regardless of its simplicity, it is a global portal through which unconditional love is expressed, is demonstrated and grows. As more people use it over and over, humanity approaches that critical mass where love, peace and joy become the status quo.

Now that’s what I call evolution. What do you think?

Seymour Lovejoy
