Category Archives: Tools for Evolution

You Are a TV Set

For a moment, think of yourself as a television set. You have capacity for many channels and have no preference for any particular channel or program. You simply do your job and show whatever is sent to your screen. You are not attached. You are content to be of service. The story does not affect you emotionally, but unlike a regular TV set, you can learn from the information presented. You are truly dispassionate and objective.

Now, consider a video game on this television set. Let your awareness switch and now you are the controller of the video game, you are the driver of a very sophisticated robot aware of its environment. It can do anything a human can do and even morph itself to be and act like an ant. You have complete control of this robot and can generate an environment that persists around it. The purpose of this robot is to improve the story, to add value, your purpose is to lead the robot through experiences that benefit what is, in some way.

This robot manifests in multiple dimensions simultaneously. It has awareness of a physical environment where things appear to manifest slowly and dissolve slowly, and awareness of a less solid environment where things change immediately according to one’s intention and imagination, and dissolve when no longer needed.

Our challenge now is to use our imaginations to create a universe we would want to live in by describing it. We’ll describe it by declaring our divine attributes. Start with awareness and potential.

Draw in creative energy with your in-breath and create awareness and potential by exhaling and invoking Khamael (KHA-MAY-EL 3 times), “I am disciplined forcefulness of the Absolute. And so it is.” This is now an aspect of our universe: You are aware and create anything.

Now draw in creative energy with your in-breath and create intentional control by exhaling and invoking Gabriel (GAH-BREE-EL 3 times), “I will Divine will. And so it is.” This is now a second aspect of our universe: Creations conform to Divine purpose, that is, to benefit the whole.

Now draw in creative energy with your in-breath and create love and compassion everywhere by invoking Tzadkiel (TZAD-KEE-EL 3 times), “Mercy, Love and Compassion are infinitely reproduced. And so it is.” This is now a third aspect of our universe: Every thought and action is loving.

Now let’s take this skeleton of a universe and make it available for all to experience and build from.

Would you like to live in a wonderful world? Play the video game and enhance your inner world and the outer world.

Seymour Lovejoy


Ritual = Focus

An expert is, by definition, one who has accumulated and integrated within oneself a certain amount of experience in a particular category. In order to become an expert you have to focus on something. It’s the same with meditation. You’re focusing on something to extract information from wherever it resides.

The word “ritual” is often associated with religious or spiritual activities, but, in truth, anything which we choose to do on a regular basis could be considered a ritual. Try this for an eye-opener: make lists of the things that you do regularly, i.e. annually, monthly, weekly, daily. Then examine each one, why you repeat it, and reconsider its worthiness beyond maintaining a tradition. Are they things that you, personally, want to continue to do? Choose what you want to be an expert at, and repeat those things.

The Teachers tell us that we each have a “source group”, essentially guardian angels who do what they can to guide us behind the scenes, assisting us in our growth, our health, our prosperity, IF we listen. They can’t interfere or make us do things but they can and do communicate. The Teachers recommend that we initiate conversations and expect responses. The responses can be thoughts that seem to pop into our heads, or things that we see as we live our daily lives that stand out as unusual, such as realizations, inspirations or “aha moments”.

My daily ritual includes thanking all my teachers, including the Temple Teachers, my guides, and the Universe itself, and requesting their input. Results: I’m inspired daily, I arrive at the right place at the right time, I get the answers I need when I need them. The Teachers tell us time and again that our guides and source group are here to help us and, in fact, their progress is dependent on ours, even to the extent that we are encouraged to demand assistance and expect it. But remember, you have to act upon the information you receive to enhance your life.

What do you think life would be like if you had a team of expert advisors always giving input, and you took their advice?

Seymour Lovejoy


On Belief and Disbelief

I find it interesting that people frequently express disbelief in the possibility of something, while sitting right in front of them, pervading all experience is existence itself, and they have no problem accepting that! That is, if existence is possible, why couldn’t anything else be, imaginable or not?

Of course existence itself, and its cousins, awareness and experience, are unfathomable in scope, so the easy way to deal with them is to ignore them in our day-to-day lives and relegate them to philosophy class.

From the moment we begin accumulating experiences and associating them with pleasure and pain, we accumulate a value system which guides our choices. We tend to trust those people and experiences that bring us pleasure and distrust those that bring us pain. But because experiences are additive, when those that gave us pleasure or comfort in the past all of a sudden bring us pain, it can be confusing and can result in perverted perspectives, such as can result in children of abusive parents, where what is thought of as “love” can be twisted. Similarly, if someone attends a party and accidentally spills something on his clothes and is embarrassed, he may avoid future parties to avoid the pain he now associates with parties, when, in reality, fear of embarrassment, and not parties, is the issue.

For this reason, the Teachers urge each of us to question everything and examine the sources of our beliefs. Parents can be in error, tradition can be in error, schools can be in error, society can be in error. The earth turned out not to be flat!

So who and what do you believe? I love what my Tai Chi teacher, David Cheng, a Taoist master humorously said, “Don’t trust your mind too much. It’s barely good enough to earn a living!”

Perhaps some of the best advice comes from Jesus: “By their fruits ye shall know them”. Is there love (joyful acceptance and joyful giving) and its fruit, kindness, or is there fear and its fruits, anger and cruelty?

So how do you feel about what you’re reading? Does it resonate with you?

Seymour Lovejoy


Tithing Toward Utopia

The Temple Teachers say that tithing is not a fund-raising scheme for organizations, but a metaphysical principle of giving back to your life a tenth of what you receive — not just the material gifts you receive, but the kindness, the thoughts, the support, the encouragement, everything in your life.

“If every person would give back one-tenth of what he gets, spreading it among the realms of existence, that is to say, one-quarter of their tenth to sustain the mineral kingdom, another quarter given to the plant kingdom, to protect forests, to encourage agriculture; and another quarter given to the animal kingdom to protect and nurture it; and the last quarter given to the aesthetic values necessary to the elevated consciousness of man, everyone would have everything they could dream of having. No one would be in want, and your planet would be preserved. This is by way of being utopia at the present level of consciousness of mankind today.” (Thursday Session #4, 3/1/84)

If you regularly, consciously, take time to appreciate and radiate love to the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms, mankind and higher realms you will be establishing harmony between you and those realms. Harmony opens doors. Do you want to support and be supported by all the reams? Imagine being at the right place at the right time, and things falling into place – every day! That’s what we’re talking about!

Seymour Lovejoy

Seymour Lovejoy

The Power of Delight

The Temple Teachers urge us to maintain a perspective of delight. Imagine a child delighted with a toy. Wouldn’t it be great to feel that delighted all the time? Sure, things aren’t always picture perfect, but if you look for something to be delighted about, you’ll find it. Delight is magnetic. The more you choose delight for your perspective, the more you’ll be delighted.

If you’d like to be delighted more often:

1) Start using the word.  (“I’m delighted to see you.”  “That’s delightful”.)

2) Notice when you or someone else is delighted.

3) Take delight in something that’s happening.

4) Imagine a twinkle in your eye.

5) Delight is a power we all have. Turn on Delight.

Seymour Lovejoy

Seymour Lovejoy

Enhance Life Right Now

Every moment provides the opportunity for appreciation and enhancement, and appreciation enhances any moment.

The Temple Teachers tell us that the purpose of each one of us is to enhance our individual lives, thereby enhancing humanity as a whole.

How can you enhance your life right where you are, here and now? It’s as easy as a smile and a thought.  Think of someone you love and appreciate, and then feel that appreciation for a moment.  Did you feel good? Did you just enhance your life? Did you just add more love to the world? Yes you did!

Imagine what the world would be like if everyone consciously chose to spend time expressing love and appreciation on a regular basis.

How would that change life on the planet?

Seymour Lovejoy

Seymour Lovejoy