Your Bodies

There’s a lot of occult literature out there about our various bodies being in layers or like sheaths: Soul Body, Vital Body Emotional Body, Mental Body, Etheric Body, Astral Body, Physical Body. The Teachers indicate that the layer “model” or conceptualization is somewhat misleading. “While they are generated from the inward to the outward by the ego, they are not as separate as the layers of onion skins. They are more interpenetrated.” (Saturday Session #8)

So what is a body, really? It’s a composite of capabilities.

The physical body is composed of groups of cells specialized in function giving the various capabilities of our body parts, among them the ability to experience, navigate and act in the physical realm. Similarly, the mental and emotional bodies are capabilities to experience, navigate and act in the mental and emotional realms which, like the physical realm, all humans create together and share.

What are soul bodies? Soul capabilities have to do with generating “egos” to fulfill missions working out the ramifications of the Laws. “Egos” are teams of “personalities” to do the work of enhancing the universe. The Teachers say that we, as personalities, don’t have souls, souls have us and we work on their missions to fulfill the 12 Soul Intentions (big subject).

So what’s the inner core holding these bodies together? The Teachers use the word “rod” to describe that unit of individuality at the center of us. It has been compared to our DNA. The well-known phrases “Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.” and “Spare the rod and spoil the child” show a common interpretation: The rod is used to help guide us along our appropriate path. In this instance, the rod defines or contains our capabilities and our uniqueness and regulates form.

So, how can you use this information? It doesn’t have to be complex. If you enhance your life moment by moment with love, joy and creative benefit to the world, you’re “good to go”.

Seymour Lovejoy


Gloria Rivers –- Live On in Peace


In the language of the Temple Teachers, the entity who adopted the personality we knew as Gloria Rivers, our channel for the Temple Teachings, inhabited a physical body from 4/12/28-11/26/14. We celebrate her life as we knew it, and as it continues in the Spirit Physical. She still has her vital body, her emotional body and her mental body and has freedom to navigate the realms open to her. We trust that she is joyfully pursuing her next objective.

We, the students of the Temple Teachings are most grateful for her gift of over 150 channelings and for being our teacher and friend, giving life readings, publishing books and newsletters, and enduring the physical hardships of trance channeling. She demonstrated with her life a passion and dedication for her work and had a tremendous grasp of the Teachings., which she had to study as well, since she was not conscious during the channeling. She showed us what it means to be in touch with one’s guides and others who are available to help us be the best we can be and to enhance humanity with understanding, love and joy.

We miss her physical self, but rejoice in her increased capacity.

Seymour Lovejoy



Your Super Powers – Ratziel

As you read in Your Super Powers – Khamael, the Archangels are actually powers within you, activated by invocation and intention, which assist you in creating your world, enhancing it and moving on to the next creation.

These super powers allow you to create in multiple realms in this universe.  Again, the formula is:

The Archangel invokes the power of the law, working with the principle, to produce the attribute.

Ratziel, pronounced RAT-ZEE-EL, invokes the power of the Law of Ideation, working with the principle of Migration, producing Wisdom.

Traditional Invocation: Ratziel, Ratziel, Ratziel. Divine Ideation provides what we are to learn.

Discussion: The teachers said: “…as volition propels divine thought into objective manifestation, the law is established that this universe shall exist. So in the way of a pattern, the Law of Ideation says to you that before anything else can happen for you or with you or by you, you must be in compliance with the law of idea. Divine thought establishes the divine plan. Your thought establishes your plan.” (Saturday #12). So Ideation is the formulation of a plan or pattern, or creation of a seed, if you will. And, of course, if you plant a seed in an appropriate environment and give it water and nourishment, it will reproduce according to the DNA of the seed. So if you want something to manifest, document its characteristics and the environment where it can flourish, move to / create that environment, make your plan and put it in effect. Depending on your attunement, the amount you do and the amount nature does will vary.

My favorite invocation for Ratziel is: With Ratziel I joyfully declare, “Source guides my choice.” Ratziel, Ratziel, Ratziel.

Discussion: As with the invocation for Khamael, this format states the intention of the invocation prior to the invocation and affirms an attitude of joy. Joy is a necessary component of the enthusiasm that is part of the fuel of creation.

Do birds have to think about flying south for the winter? No, they’re guided by Source. That’s the principle of Migration. If we know our plan and our priorities and watch for cues in the world around us and listen for ideas that pop up moment by moment, we can be guided toward our goal and minimize effort.

Time to do some planning?

Seymour Lovejoy

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Your Super Powers – Gabriel

As you read in Your Super Powers – Khamael, the Archangels are actually powers within you, activated by invocation and intention, which assist you in creating your world, enhancing it and moving on to the next creation.

These super powers allow you to create in multiple realms in this universe.

Again, the formula is:

The Archangel invokes the power of the law, working with the principle, to produce the attribute.

Gabriel, pronounced GAH-BREE-EL, invokes the power of the Law of I Will, working with the principle of Radiant Energy and Truth, producing Eternality.

Traditional Invocation: Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel. I Will Divine Will.

Discussion: Remember, any statement using the word “I” refers to “The Creator”, the awarer within, not that personality that you were taught was “you”. With this invocation you are declaring your resonance with all power. It’s in your spiritual DNA, i.e. characteristics inherited from our Creator. As Jesus said, “My Father and I are one.”

So what is Divine Will? It’s very simple. According to The Teachers, the Divine wants and wills the enhancement of all creation. In the same way parents want their children to be well, happy, creative, self-sufficient and to exceed their own accomplishments, the “The Creator” wants all creation to enhance itself. Part of our spiritual DNA, is the ability to “self-modulate”, as The Teachers called it, the ability to change ourselves, to add to what we are, to evolve humanity through our choice of attitude and our creative and loving actions. Be all you can be and more, with enthusiasm and joy. So when you say “I Will Divine Will”, you are willing the enhancement of all creation, thinking and acting on a global level, so to speak.

My favorite invocation for Gabriel is: With Gabriel I joyfully declare, “I will what I want.” Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel.

Discussion: As with the invocation for Khamael, this format states the intention of the invocation prior to the invocation and affirms an attitude of joy. Joy is a necessary component of the enthusiasm that is part of the fuel of creation. I already talked about “I will” and taking the Divine perspective. Here I use the “want’ as an affirmation of being in a place of power, not of lack. The Teachers talk about the evolution process as going through a series of phases at each evolutionary level, and that we go through a consciousness of need on the way to manifesting our wants.

Ready to take the reins and say “Giddyup”?

Seymour Lovejoy

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Your Super Powers – Khamael

If you read the post On Angels and Archangels, you learned that archangels don’t have wings. In fact, Archangels are our own Super Powers, part of our nature as humans, and they are activated by our intention and invocation.

These super powers allow you to create in multiple realms in this universe.

Here’s the formula:

The Archangel invokes the power of the law, working with the principle, to produce the attribute.

Khamael, pronounced KAH-MAY-EL, invokes the power of the Law of I AM, working with the principle of Divine Fire, producing Disciplined Forcefulness.

Traditional Invocation: Khamael, Khamael, Khamael. I AM Disciplined Forcefulness of the Absolute.

Discussion: The Absolute, in and of itself, is an all-inclusive whole beingness, including undisciplined forcefulness, i.e. pure unapplied potential with no distinction or recognizable characteristic, and disciplined forcefulness, i.e. creative ability, ability to discipline creative force to produce a recognizable result.

My favorite: With Khamael I joyfully declare, “I AM and I can.” Khamael, Khamael, Khamael.

Discussion: This format states the intention of the invocation prior to the invocation. Secondly, it affirms the attitude of joy versus the soberness that often accompanies ritual. It also describes a state of self awareness and pure potential. When you say “I”, remember that the “I” is not the small you. It’s the creator in you. “I am” and “I Will” are Cosmic Laws, which basically means that they are more fundamental, higher in the hierarchy of forces. Without these two, nothing would exist and nothing would happen. They are like axioms, underlying agreements that are the basis thought. First of all, something has to exist for anything to make sense, right? Secondly if there were no possibility of anything happening, how would you explain all this?

We could allude to the two aspects of Siva/All That Is/Divinity and say that 1) “I am” is the passive or transcendent aspect and 2) “I can” is the active or manifest aspect, because it suggests something other than pure potential, i.e. I can do what? The Temple Teachers call it “The Omega Point” and my Guru called it the “Pinnacle of Creation”.

Because we are all divine, we are all creators, at a new pinnacle of creation each moment, and beyond each point is manifestation in its entirety, potential and becomingness, simultaneously in every direction. It reminds me of those fireworks that send out multiple lights and those lights send out multiple lights, or a tree.

So, bottom line, “Khamael” resonates with the power to exist, volition in general, and the potential to create. It’s the 1st switch that has to be flipped. Ready to go?

Seymour Lovejoy

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Two Hats

We’re familiar with the concept of wearing two hats, i.e. taking different perspectives and performing different functions as appropriate to the situation. Suppose the two hats are your functions for your outer life and your inner life. Generally our outer life progresses and we do what we have to do to live as we expect to live. But there’s another world. You can put on an inner hat and be the watcher, the awarer, not reacting, just obvserving.

My teacher, David Cheng, taught, “Do everything with consciousness. When you drive, do it consciously.” Be the watcher as you drive. Put your focus there. Be cognizant of all that is happening. Be the watcher as you walk around doing your daily tasks.  Be the watcher as you think. Observe your responses.

The word “dimension” means, basically, two outlooks. Are you ready to add another dimension to your life? Another perspective? Another stream of information?

Seymour Lovejoy


What is Life? What do I do now?

What is Life? What do I do now?

These are the questions we generally ask ourselves. They come natural. People have been asking these questions for ages, writing about them, building social structures and group practices based upon their answers to them.

But take a look at these questions. They assume life is something static and that there is a best or right answer for the person in the current situation. It’s an understandable response, because it’s easy to do… take a snapshot and make a judgment.

What would happen if, instead, the first questions we are taught to ask are, “What can life be?” and “What can we do now?” These questions assume potential, multiple choices, because we know life is not static. It’s always becoming something more than it is. Changing to these questions would be the first step in expressing our creative/angelic nature as a basic principal of society. It would be less like a duality-based society (right/wrong) and there would be more potential solutions to work with.

Imagine how fast change could take place if we all considered ourselves creative and always saw options for the greater good. It’s focusing our awareness on possibility.

What can your life be? What can you do now?

Seymour Lovejoy


Program Your Own Life!

Back in the early 70’s my facility in math and problem solving led me into a career in data processing, so as a programmer, when I saw a poster in a catalog that said “Program Your Own Life” I said, “That’s Great!”. I bought a poster and, one day, sat down and wrote some pseudo-code for my life. That’s programmer talk for describing my life process in words, specifying an initial condition, processes and things that repeated.

Since it was high-level it was a short program, the essence of which was telling my body, my consciousness that guides my growth, to morph each of my cells to such a high vibration that they radiated light. In my study of Edgar Cayce I had read that all our cells are replaced each 7 years, and if one made the intention to spiritualize those cells as they were individually replaced, you would have a radiant body of light in 7 years. So I set the program into action,  to be run by my subconscious mind continuously and silently in the background. It’s still running.

Does it work? Whether the light factor has changed in my physical cells would have to be determined, however, the consciousness that controls their creation generates a lot of light, and the physical is the out picturing of what I have created on a mental level. As Cayce said, “The mind is the builder”.

Let’s put it this way… My life continues to be enriched through my consciousness and action. The underlying process, though, is not so much the detail of the program, as your intention, your focus, giving it conscious priority, watching life unfold and acting in concert with the goal, moment by moment aware of inner promptings and the choices inside and outside the box.

Is it time to write your program?

-Seymour Lovejoy


You Are a TV Set

For a moment, think of yourself as a television set. You have capacity for many channels and have no preference for any particular channel or program. You simply do your job and show whatever is sent to your screen. You are not attached. You are content to be of service. The story does not affect you emotionally, but unlike a regular TV set, you can learn from the information presented. You are truly dispassionate and objective.

Now, consider a video game on this television set. Let your awareness switch and now you are the controller of the video game, you are the driver of a very sophisticated robot aware of its environment. It can do anything a human can do and even morph itself to be and act like an ant. You have complete control of this robot and can generate an environment that persists around it. The purpose of this robot is to improve the story, to add value, your purpose is to lead the robot through experiences that benefit what is, in some way.

This robot manifests in multiple dimensions simultaneously. It has awareness of a physical environment where things appear to manifest slowly and dissolve slowly, and awareness of a less solid environment where things change immediately according to one’s intention and imagination, and dissolve when no longer needed.

Our challenge now is to use our imaginations to create a universe we would want to live in by describing it. We’ll describe it by declaring our divine attributes. Start with awareness and potential.

Draw in creative energy with your in-breath and create awareness and potential by exhaling and invoking Khamael (KHA-MAY-EL 3 times), “I am disciplined forcefulness of the Absolute. And so it is.” This is now an aspect of our universe: You are aware and create anything.

Now draw in creative energy with your in-breath and create intentional control by exhaling and invoking Gabriel (GAH-BREE-EL 3 times), “I will Divine will. And so it is.” This is now a second aspect of our universe: Creations conform to Divine purpose, that is, to benefit the whole.

Now draw in creative energy with your in-breath and create love and compassion everywhere by invoking Tzadkiel (TZAD-KEE-EL 3 times), “Mercy, Love and Compassion are infinitely reproduced. And so it is.” This is now a third aspect of our universe: Every thought and action is loving.

Now let’s take this skeleton of a universe and make it available for all to experience and build from.

Would you like to live in a wonderful world? Play the video game and enhance your inner world and the outer world.

Seymour Lovejoy


Ritual = Focus

An expert is, by definition, one who has accumulated and integrated within oneself a certain amount of experience in a particular category. In order to become an expert you have to focus on something. It’s the same with meditation. You’re focusing on something to extract information from wherever it resides.

The word “ritual” is often associated with religious or spiritual activities, but, in truth, anything which we choose to do on a regular basis could be considered a ritual. Try this for an eye-opener: make lists of the things that you do regularly, i.e. annually, monthly, weekly, daily. Then examine each one, why you repeat it, and reconsider its worthiness beyond maintaining a tradition. Are they things that you, personally, want to continue to do? Choose what you want to be an expert at, and repeat those things.

The Teachers tell us that we each have a “source group”, essentially guardian angels who do what they can to guide us behind the scenes, assisting us in our growth, our health, our prosperity, IF we listen. They can’t interfere or make us do things but they can and do communicate. The Teachers recommend that we initiate conversations and expect responses. The responses can be thoughts that seem to pop into our heads, or things that we see as we live our daily lives that stand out as unusual, such as realizations, inspirations or “aha moments”.

My daily ritual includes thanking all my teachers, including the Temple Teachers, my guides, and the Universe itself, and requesting their input. Results: I’m inspired daily, I arrive at the right place at the right time, I get the answers I need when I need them. The Teachers tell us time and again that our guides and source group are here to help us and, in fact, their progress is dependent on ours, even to the extent that we are encouraged to demand assistance and expect it. But remember, you have to act upon the information you receive to enhance your life.

What do you think life would be like if you had a team of expert advisors always giving input, and you took their advice?

Seymour Lovejoy
