Tag Archives: create

Decree vs Declare

Words have power. They direct consciousness. Most people are familiar with affirmations as a well-accepted means of positive personal change. Generally, they are spoken sentences of a format “I am…” followed by something positive, or they can be just a positive statement of the way things are or will be. By focusing your consciousness on a positive idea, its image and the feeling of its presence you give it substance in your life. And if you create and sustain the appropriate environment for it, the seed which you have just planted will come to fruition.

Consider these definitions:
To Declare is to state a fact, to acknowledge something created/existent.

To Decree is to create something well-defined, like a personal law that will govern one’s actions and thoughts, and to acknowledge the concreteness of the creation by acting in accordance with its present reality, whether yet visible to the eyes or not.

Affirmations are declarations. And use of “I am” is wielding the primary law of creation. A good reason to use it for self-enhancement, versus self-denigration.

A decree is an action taken explicitly for change. It is self-designated law for your personal world. It is from the perspective of a creator. You accept the creation’s existence like you accept gravity. “Done Deal.”

So, then. What to do with this information?

Declarations/Affirmations? Be careful with the use of “I am”, but find some good ones and go ahead.

A Decree, however, requires careful crafting and is not to be taken lightly because it involves more of a commitment and its effect can be more far-reaching. Use with mindfulness and caution.

Whatever you do, do it in love and joy.

Seymour Lovejoy


Create A Universe in 7 Easy Steps

Suppose a creator wanted to create a universe one day (she didn’t want to spend a whole week).

First of all, she knew she existed and had potential. She said “KHAMAEL: I am, so I can.”
Second, she decided to go through the necessary steps. She said, “GABRIEL: I can, so I will”.
Then she created the laws for the universe with 7 invocations.

1) “KHAMEL, GABRIEL, RATZIEL: I can and I will intuitive guidance.”
2) “KHAMEL, GABRIEL, RAPHAEL: I can and I will process toward uniqueness”
3) “KHAMEL, GABRIEL, TZADKIEL: I can and I will reproduction in kind”.
4) “KHAMEL, GABRIEL, SANDALPHON: I can and I will optimum progress through resonance and harmony.”
5) “KHAMEL, GABRIEL, TZAPHKIEL: I can and I will understanding, continued serenity and creative enhancement.”
6) “KHAMEL, GABRIEL, MICHAEL: I can and I will appropriation.”
7) “KHAMEL, GABRIEL, HANIEL: I can and I will self mastery through relinquishment.”

Would you like to create something? For any project, even creating your personal universe, you can use the laws and take them a step further.

1) Decide how you’re going to use intuitive guidance to direct you through the completion of your project. Ask your inner self for answers to questions, and be watchful of the ideas that pop into your head.
2) Decide how you’re going to make your project unique, maybe with one of those ideas that popped into your head.
3) Decide how you’re going to make your project reflect you and your goals.
4) Use your intuitive guidance to take the appropriate steps at the right time. Share your goals with people who will resonate with them. Resonating with your goals and others will open appropriate doors. Watch for them, recognize them and take action.
5) Because change is needed for enhancement, you prepare for the required changes. Set the scene, assist the change and voilà!
6) Decide what needs to be acquired to fulfill the requirements of your project and do what is necessary to acquire them, being watchful that someone may give them to you or point you to them.
7) When your project has reached the self-sufficiency you designed and created, let it go and move on to the next project.

You can think about all this all you want, but when you start writing down the details of the plan you’ll get the ball rolling.  Happy creating!

Seymour Lovejoy


Your Super Powers – Khamael

If you read the post On Angels and Archangels, you learned that archangels don’t have wings. In fact, Archangels are our own Super Powers, part of our nature as humans, and they are activated by our intention and invocation.

These super powers allow you to create in multiple realms in this universe.

Here’s the formula:

The Archangel invokes the power of the law, working with the principle, to produce the attribute.

Khamael, pronounced KAH-MAY-EL, invokes the power of the Law of I AM, working with the principle of Divine Fire, producing Disciplined Forcefulness.

Traditional Invocation: Khamael, Khamael, Khamael. I AM Disciplined Forcefulness of the Absolute.

Discussion: The Absolute, in and of itself, is an all-inclusive whole beingness, including undisciplined forcefulness, i.e. pure unapplied potential with no distinction or recognizable characteristic, and disciplined forcefulness, i.e. creative ability, ability to discipline creative force to produce a recognizable result.

My favorite: With Khamael I joyfully declare, “I AM and I can.” Khamael, Khamael, Khamael.

Discussion: This format states the intention of the invocation prior to the invocation. Secondly, it affirms the attitude of joy versus the soberness that often accompanies ritual. It also describes a state of self awareness and pure potential. When you say “I”, remember that the “I” is not the small you. It’s the creator in you. “I am” and “I Will” are Cosmic Laws, which basically means that they are more fundamental, higher in the hierarchy of forces. Without these two, nothing would exist and nothing would happen. They are like axioms, underlying agreements that are the basis thought. First of all, something has to exist for anything to make sense, right? Secondly if there were no possibility of anything happening, how would you explain all this?

We could allude to the two aspects of Siva/All That Is/Divinity and say that 1) “I am” is the passive or transcendent aspect and 2) “I can” is the active or manifest aspect, because it suggests something other than pure potential, i.e. I can do what? The Temple Teachers call it “The Omega Point” and my Guru called it the “Pinnacle of Creation”.

Because we are all divine, we are all creators, at a new pinnacle of creation each moment, and beyond each point is manifestation in its entirety, potential and becomingness, simultaneously in every direction. It reminds me of those fireworks that send out multiple lights and those lights send out multiple lights, or a tree.

So, bottom line, “Khamael” resonates with the power to exist, volition in general, and the potential to create. It’s the 1st switch that has to be flipped. Ready to go?

Seymour Lovejoy

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Program Your Own Life!

Back in the early 70’s my facility in math and problem solving led me into a career in data processing, so as a programmer, when I saw a poster in a catalog that said “Program Your Own Life” I said, “That’s Great!”. I bought a poster and, one day, sat down and wrote some pseudo-code for my life. That’s programmer talk for describing my life process in words, specifying an initial condition, processes and things that repeated.

Since it was high-level it was a short program, the essence of which was telling my body, my consciousness that guides my growth, to morph each of my cells to such a high vibration that they radiated light. In my study of Edgar Cayce I had read that all our cells are replaced each 7 years, and if one made the intention to spiritualize those cells as they were individually replaced, you would have a radiant body of light in 7 years. So I set the program into action,  to be run by my subconscious mind continuously and silently in the background. It’s still running.

Does it work? Whether the light factor has changed in my physical cells would have to be determined, however, the consciousness that controls their creation generates a lot of light, and the physical is the out picturing of what I have created on a mental level. As Cayce said, “The mind is the builder”.

Let’s put it this way… My life continues to be enriched through my consciousness and action. The underlying process, though, is not so much the detail of the program, as your intention, your focus, giving it conscious priority, watching life unfold and acting in concert with the goal, moment by moment aware of inner promptings and the choices inside and outside the box.

Is it time to write your program?

-Seymour Lovejoy
