Exercise in Creation #237

Here’s an exercise and an act of creation:

Take about 2 minutes in a quiet place. Close your eyes, take a few breaths and imagine feeling a hug so wonderful, so completing that it makes up for all the hugs you‘ve ever wanted and not received. Bask in that feeling.

Do the exercise as many times as it takes to remember and feel the feeling at will.

Seymour Lovejoy


Your Super Powers – Tzaphiel

Remember, the Archangels are actually powers within you, activated by invocation and intention, which assist you in creating your world, enhancing it and moving on to the next creation. These super powers allow you to create in multiple realms in this universe.

Again, the formula is:
The Archangel invokes the power of the law, working with the principle, to produce the attribute.
Tzaphkiel, pronounced TZ-OFF-KEE-EL, invokes the power of the Law of Illusion, working with the principle of Balance, producing Understanding.
Traditional Invocation: Tzaphkiel, Tzaphkiel, Tzaphkiel. Divine illusion settles the properties of this matter and brings balance and understanding.
The teachers said: “You have a power center with the Archangel Tzaphkiel, Divine Illusion. When you are in doubt, invoke Tzaphkiel for enlightenment. ‘Tzaphkiel’ means ‘to dream’ including both sleeping dreams and aspirations. This is to give you the hint that true balance comes in form, but not necessarily form found in your earth-physical manifestation. You witness in the earth-physical more imbalance than balance because there is such lack of understanding. The illusion is that form is the reality, when that is not true. The reality is what lies behind the form. The reality is The Divine Fire. Thus it is that you must give form to your thoughts, to your feelings, to your, what you call, spirit in order to establish the balance.”

“The Principle of Balance stands behind man’s attempt to reach God. And it’s all operative under the Law of Illusion, for if one did not expect to find reality in the form, one would not be in ignorance. But inasmuch as this is the way your universe has been constructed, that is the way you must travel to achieve understanding, through balance. ”

“When you have balanced the forms of one level of experience, you can then move on to achieve balance in the forms of higher levels of experience. With these lessons we are approaching an understanding of everyday life and the meaning of that life, what may lie ahead of that life, what may be accomplished with that life, how that life can be better in quality.”

“When you call on Tzaphkiel, the answer very often will come in a form of something that will demonstrate to you perhaps the futility of your expectation or will be representative of another aspect of the situation. When you are puzzled by a certain set of circumstances, you may call upon Tzaphkiel to interpret the form of the thing for you. The answer may come in dreams, in intuition, and even everyday symbology. This is that level of experience that gives you physical signs.  For instance, a book falls into your hands, or you unexpectedly meet someone. A picture appears unexpectedly or in an unanticipated place or manner. A word may be said you, in some way, little signals are given.”

“If, for instance, you wish to have something revealed to you which previously has been hidden from you, you would go with the Law of Illusion.”

My favorite invocation for Tzaphkiel is: With Tzaphkiel I joyfully declare, “Understanding illusion maintains my serenity and enables my creativity.

Discussion: This invocation format states the intention of the invocation prior to the invocation, and affirms an attitude of joy. Joy is a necessary component of the enthusiasm that is part of the fuel of creation. Here I’m declaring that I understand the messages that experience gives, have balance (serenity) and am able to use the images and ideas that come to me and the signs that appear in daily life to answer questions that arise, and to bring forth new creations. The word imagination comes up in the discussion of illusion. I prefer the word “imager” to describe the faculty we have to give form to something that may not already be demonstrated in the physical. If you want to understand something, form the question, invoke Tzaphkiel and watch for the answer to appear as life unfolds in front of you.

Seymour Lovejoy

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HREE – Exceeding all limits

Suppose you positioned your mouth as if you were going to whistle, and blew at the roof of your mouth, versus your focusing on your lips. If you make your tongue concave or U-shaped, you get a round tone sounding like “who”. If, however you make your tongue flat, you get a sound more like the double “o” in “hook”. And as you move your cheeks into a smile, you get an “ee” sound. There is an ancient sacred sound “hree” used as a focusing exercise in traditional Hindu meditative practice. Perhaps you’ve heard of pink noise and white noise. White noise is a “hiss”, if you will, more like “ee”.

Got a few minutes? Try this as focusing exercise:

In a quiet room, sit comfortably and imagine a pure tone, perhaps like a flute, in your audible range. Then, using your imagination, make that tone slide up higher and higher and higher until it leaves the audible range through pink and white noise and goes on… and on… and on…

All of a sudden there’s a huge flash so bright that nothing is distinguishable anywhere… and you just listen to your breath. Enjoy the calm and take it with you out into the world.

Seymour Lovejoy


Take the 21-day Challenge

The Teachers tell us that we live under the Law of Dominance, but that our focus should be Self-Dominance. An interesting word, “dominance”… The Latin word for Lord or Master or Teacher is “Dominus”.  “Lord” and “Master” connote control, and a teacher is one who has controlled him/herself sufficiently to learn something well enough to teach it, and one who studies longer can get a “Master’s” degree. Our task is to quantify the quality “human”, i.e. enhance humanity through self-enhancement, through self-dominance, i.e. self-training, i.e. learning something, incorporating something new into our life. It’s an act of creation, which takes focus and repetition, hence, the 21-day challenge.

You have probably heard the joke about the person asking for directions in New York City, “How do I get to Carnegie Hall?”, and the response was “Practice!”. So it is with self-enhancement. It’s been said that human entrainment takes 21 days, so by repeating something 21 days in a row (with sufficient focus) we can incorporate it into our consciousness . So I say to you, “Take the 21-day Challenge”. Repeat something beneficial for 21 days and notice the difference in your life.

My guru, Gurudeva Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, taught that the 5 steps or levels of inner focus are 1) attention, 2) concentration, 3) meditation, 4) contemplation, 5) samadhi. Regardless of the application chosen, the 21-day Challenge helps you build focus, confidence and inner capacities.

For instance, repeat to yourself “I’m watching” throughout the day, continuing to do what you’re doing, but taking about a second to observe what you’re thinking, your attitude, and what you’re doing. No judging, just observing.

Another idea is to always leave a room cleaner or more organized than it was when you entered.

Another is to think of yourself radiating love and joy like a light bulb, everywhere you go, everyone being warmed and blessed by your presence.

Hint: Mark the days on a calendar. Writing is often the 1st physical step in the manifestation process of creation.

What 21-day challenge will inspire you?

Seymour Lovejoy


Create A Universe in 7 Easy Steps

Suppose a creator wanted to create a universe one day (she didn’t want to spend a whole week).

First of all, she knew she existed and had potential. She said “KHAMAEL: I am, so I can.”
Second, she decided to go through the necessary steps. She said, “GABRIEL: I can, so I will”.
Then she created the laws for the universe with 7 invocations.

1) “KHAMEL, GABRIEL, RATZIEL: I can and I will intuitive guidance.”
2) “KHAMEL, GABRIEL, RAPHAEL: I can and I will process toward uniqueness”
3) “KHAMEL, GABRIEL, TZADKIEL: I can and I will reproduction in kind”.
4) “KHAMEL, GABRIEL, SANDALPHON: I can and I will optimum progress through resonance and harmony.”
5) “KHAMEL, GABRIEL, TZAPHKIEL: I can and I will understanding, continued serenity and creative enhancement.”
6) “KHAMEL, GABRIEL, MICHAEL: I can and I will appropriation.”
7) “KHAMEL, GABRIEL, HANIEL: I can and I will self mastery through relinquishment.”

Would you like to create something? For any project, even creating your personal universe, you can use the laws and take them a step further.

1) Decide how you’re going to use intuitive guidance to direct you through the completion of your project. Ask your inner self for answers to questions, and be watchful of the ideas that pop into your head.
2) Decide how you’re going to make your project unique, maybe with one of those ideas that popped into your head.
3) Decide how you’re going to make your project reflect you and your goals.
4) Use your intuitive guidance to take the appropriate steps at the right time. Share your goals with people who will resonate with them. Resonating with your goals and others will open appropriate doors. Watch for them, recognize them and take action.
5) Because change is needed for enhancement, you prepare for the required changes. Set the scene, assist the change and voilà!
6) Decide what needs to be acquired to fulfill the requirements of your project and do what is necessary to acquire them, being watchful that someone may give them to you or point you to them.
7) When your project has reached the self-sufficiency you designed and created, let it go and move on to the next project.

You can think about all this all you want, but when you start writing down the details of the plan you’ll get the ball rolling.  Happy creating!

Seymour Lovejoy


Your Super Powers – Sandalphon

Remember, the Archangels are actually powers within you, activated by invocation and intention, which assist you in creating your world, enhancing it and moving on to the next creation. These super powers allow you to create in multiple realms in this universe.

Again, the formula is:
The Archangel invokes the power of the law, working with the principle, to produce the attribute.

Sandalphon, pronounced SAHN-DOLL-PHONE, invokes the power of the Law of Harmony, working with the principle of Revelation, producing Knowledge.

Traditional Invocation: Sandalphon, Sandalphon, Sandalphon. Divine Harmony reveals what I am to know.
Teacher Silverthistle said: “The Law of Harmony says all things work together. In the basic laws or your universe there is no evil, there is no negative, there is no imperfection, there is only truth. All things belong, and everything is akin to everything else, and everyone is a brother to another. The very stars in the sky are signs and a symbol. You cannot be completely detached from divinity. You are part and parcel of the original divine germ cell. You are a part of the divine plan.”

In other words, if one lives with the perspective described by Silverthistle and watchfulness, one  finds freeways vs. dead ends.

My favorite invocation for Sandalphon is: With Sandalphon I joyfully declare, “Choosing Harmony reveals the ways and means of my fulfilling life.
Discussion: This invocation format states the intention of the invocation prior to the invocation, and affirms an attitude of joy. Joy is a necessary component of the enthusiasm that is part of the fuel of creation.

Every moment provides an opportunity to either get in the flow with what’s happening, or clash with it. For instance, if it’s rainy or icy, many people might call it bad weather. This immediately sets up an unnecessary disharmony in one’s consciousness with respect to weather and these conditions. What if, instead, you consider the weather and the forces that control it (Nature) your friend? Perhaps our best response to the weather, and any situation of the moment, is to appreciate what is happening, observe the opportunities that present themselves and take advantage of them. If you’re fighting or fault finding, you’re unlikely to notice them.

Seymour Lovejoy

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What is Reality?

A common question, but the Teachers would give an uncommon answer.

First of all, ALL THAT IS includes things that are manifest, things that are not manifest, and the Absolute which transcends all concept and form and is only experienced (if you can even use that word, since it implies duality in our culture) as Self.

Secondly, of the manifest things, i.e. things having some sort of recognizable qualities, there are multiple universes and multiple realms in those universes where activities occur according to the laws which are in effect and define those realms. And within each realm there are different densities or valences, such as we have solid, liquid and gas. The Teachers say there are other “humans” in other realms and on other “earths”, though they may not look or function the same as we do or live under the same laws. Not to mention non-humans and non-earths.

Thirdly, all things have perceptibility and varying degrees of capacity to act upon or respond to what is perceived. Think of perceptibility as if you were a television set receiving multiple channels simultaneously. Not everyone (or every thing) receives the same channels and has the same sources of information to work with. With different inputs and different capacities, “reality” appears different to everyone and every thing.

Fortunately we earth humans share common mental and emotional resources so we can observe things in common, can converse and negotiate definitions of things, and decide upon what is significant. But it IS a process of negotiation since we live under the Law of Dominance, which via evolution approaches self-dominance vs. the dominance of others.

Now if all this detail interests you as it does me, you can read the transcripts directly, but, bottom line, it comes down to building an internal focus capacity: dedicating some time to read, wrestle with the concepts, take a step back, look at life, question everything and begin to explore the methodologies given by the Teachers.

But also bottom line, you don’t need to fully understand the details of the working of the cosmos to be watchful, appreciative, giving and joyful. Start there, stay there. The attitude will take you where you want to go.

Seymour Lovejoy


Your Super Powers – Tzadkiel

Remember, the Archangels are actually powers within you, activated by invocation and intention, which assist you in creating your world, enhancing it and moving on to the next creation.

These super powers allow you to create in multiple realms in this universe.

Again, the formula is:

The Archangel invokes the power of the law, working with the principle, to produce the attribute.

Tzadkiel, pronounced TZ-ADD-KEE-EL, invokes the power of the Law of Reproduction, working with the principle of Cohesion, producing Mercy, Love and Compassion. Tzadkiel means “To know by intuition”.

Traditional Invocation: Tzadkiel, Tzadkiel, Tzadkiel. Mercy, Love & Compassion are infinitely reproduced.

Discussion: Teacher Sheariam said “Reproduction” here means more than procreation. It means that everything repeats itself and everything that is produced has the nature of and is linked to its producer. Through the intuitive faculties, you are forever intrinsically linked with that which created you. Every thing that you create is linked with you in the same way. But you have no more control over that which you create than your own creator has over you. This is why each idea initiated must be pure, for it will reproduce itself limitlessly. But it will never lose contact with that which originally created it.

An idea is simply a new arrangement of the components. This is the miracle-working agent. So long as you believe in things the way they now exist, so long as you accept things as they now exist, so long as your courage fails in creating the new, so long as you fail to practice patience, you will remain without miracles.

By the Law of Reproduction, impatience breeds impatience. You get in your own way. Fear breeds more fear. This is what is meant by becoming attuned, by getting in the flow, by thinking right thoughts, for your thoughts reproduce and hang together and cling to you. The positive Attribute is Mercy and Love. When your thoughts, your deeds and actions are clothed in Mercy and Love, you will be healthy, happy, and prosperous, for you could be no other way.

My favorite invocation for Tzadkiel is: With Tzadkiel I joyfully declare, “Every thought is loving and creates what I want.

Discussion: This invocation format states the intention of the invocation prior to the invocation and affirms an attitude of joy. Joy is a necessary component of the enthusiasm that is part of the fuel of creation.

If my every thought is loving, my world will be full of love and everyone benefits. Reproduce that!

Love is simply joyful acceptance and joyful giving, you need both. It’s all additive, nothing is lost. What you put out stays and grows. Any new places you can start appreciating and giving? It all helps.

Seymour Lovejoy

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Your Super Powers – Raphael

As you read in Your Super Powers – Khamael, the Archangels are actually powers within you, activated by invocation and intention, which assist you in creating your world, enhancing it and moving on to the next creation.

These super powers allow you to create in multiple realms in this universe.

Again, the formula is:

The Archangel invokes the power of the law, working with the principle, to produce the attribute.

Raphael, pronounced RAH-FAH-EL, invokes the power of the Law of Process, working with the principle of Differentiation, producing Beauty.

Traditional Invocation: Raphael, Raphael, Raphael. Divine Process perfects, fulfills, and completes what I know.

Discussion: The Divine Process is one in which things evolve to become complete and unique, differentiated from other similar things. Teacher Sheariam said: “While everything IS, there is a becoming, a process. It is through this process that things become different from each other. And beauty lives.”

My favorite invocation for Raphael is: With Raphael I joyfully declare, “I realize Beauty in every moment.” Raphael, Raphael, Raphael.

Discussion: As with the invocation for Khamael, this format states the intention of the invocation prior to the invocation and affirms an attitude of joy. Joy is a necessary component of the enthusiasm that is part of the fuel of creation.

“I realize Beauty in every moment.” means I make it real in my consciousness and my life. I move my awareness to where it exists in its completeness. Expect and look for beauty, wholeness, uniqueness and you’ll find it. Like snowflakes and leaves, Beauty is always there by virtue of the universe unfolding moment by moment, yet being fully complete in nature. And in the creative process you view and focus on the details within the generalities and do what it takes to expand and enhance your creation to make it unique and useful. Allow things to morph as they develop. It’s their nature. Provide a nurturing environment and guidance. Let nature do the rest.

Seymour Lovejoy

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The Cyclic Phases of Creation


Chart Courtesy of Owen Cramer.

What the Teachers call the “Wheel of Karma” or “Karmic Wheel” is a much larger concept than the “Wheel of Karma” that’s spoken about in philosophical literature. In common parlance the “Wheel of Karma”, like the Sanskrit word “samsara”, refers to being tied to a reincarnational cycle of births and deaths until one has “paid one’s dues”, so to speak.

What the Teachers call the “Karmic Wheel” might be more understandably termed the “Cyclic Phases of Creation”.

There are 12 phases, the first 6 of which comprise “involution”, and the second 6, “evolution”. That is to say, first things take shape, then they become specialized and complexified to the extent that they have a new function, and, perhaps a new appearance, and the twelve phases begin again at a new level. And, as they say, “Your mileage may vary”. The time spent in any of the phases depends upon awareness and action required to move to the next phase.

The teachers indicated that this applies at both a microscopic and cellular level in the development of an organism and at a human level where we develop as a person and take our consciousness to higher levels.

As you can probably tell, this overview is just the tip of the iceberg on the subject. And, as I have alluded to before, the Teachers have their own definitions to all these words, and I will address them in future blog entries, under the category “Karmic Wheel”. Of, course, if you can’t wait, you can go to

http://templeteachings.com/Search.aspx , enter Karmic Wheel and read to your heart’s content.  🙂

Seymour Lovejoy
